The Animals' House is very excited to announce our newest dog obedience class, "Hounds on the Town". As the name suggests, we will be taking the class (dogs and all) on the road to practice our obedience skills.
The purpose of this class is to practice the skills we have learned in the classroom in more practical situations. The emphasis will be on teaching the dogs to have good leash manners, be able to greet other dogs and people politely, to walk on leash without pulling, to remain focused around a multitude of distractions, and to sit/lay quietly while their handler sits to eat/drink.
We will be meeting at different locations each week - these locations will include local parks, shopping centers, outdoor cafe’s, restaurants (with patio’s), wineries, a cruise on the Potomac, and an Alexandria ’ghost walk’. Classes will be held on Saturday mornings, unless otherwise noted, and will continue through the summer and fall. The schedule of locations/times will be listed on our website.
Class size will be strictly limited to 10 dogs/handlers. Reservations are required. You may purchase a bundle of five classes (pick any classes) for $100, or pay per class at $25/week. Classes will last one hour, unless otherwise noted. There is no start/end date to these classes - you can go to just one, pick a few of your favorites, or come each week! Prerequisite = your dog must have completed at least one full obedience course, and not be aggressive on leash.
Hounds on the Town